Friday, November 29, 2013

Refelction :)

Lisa's Reflection:

Presentation--> I could have improved on teaching a current event in the future.  When teaching my topic of immigration I did no have the article all printed out and then had printing troubles.  For future teaching I am going to try to have all materials done before the day of the presentation.  I also think that the flow of the teaching could have gone better.  I think we did well modeling what we wanted the students to do.  The next part was giving the students packets of information about a specific issue with immigration.  I think this part went well, most students understood their issue and Lindsay and I were walking around the tables to help with the concept of the groups issue if it was needed.  The students then presented their issue.  One thing I would have done differently with this part is to tell the students before anyone acted out their issue that after they acted it out, we were going to discuss each issue as a class.  I did not make this happen, although there was a discussion when all plays were over, I think it would have been more beneficial to talk about each issues after it was acted out.  I think Lindsay and I engaged the class well, but there is always room for improvement  when doing things for the first time.  I think people learned about the topic of immigration.  I know one of the students referred back to the "Dream Act" when presenting
 their own project.  This shows us that at least one students understood something that was being taught and if one person understood, it is more likely that others did as well.  I also think we did well with passing around a paper with questions for each issue being presented.  This is important because students need to pay attention to the role plays being put on in order to answer the questions.

Current Event-->  Without any doubt, I am more engaged in my topic of immigration than ever before.  I found out so much information about immigration like Obama's Reform Act they are trying to pass for so many reasons that are important to get equality amongst citizens and immigrants.  I do feel more interested in the news and will be looking for the information about the different acts and current events going on in the world about immigration.  I think it is an important issue that needs to be resolved.  I don't know how engaged in the community issues I will be, but I know if there were simple things like signing a petition and I believed in the act or thing they are petitioning for I would do it!  I do feel more like an active citizen in my country, I think knowing about immigration and other topics made me more aware of the many issues going on in the world, but also how much it is effecting our lives.  I think it was useful for everyone to search a specific topic and present it to the class with a teaching strategy.  I think this helped us learn how we can use the different strategies, but also how we can each current events in a fun way.  One thing I did not like too much was the blog.  I think it added more stress on me that I could have done without.  I also think I would have learned more about the topic if I were assigned to I was having more fun with learning about the topic.  Since I felt stressed over having to do the blog I was not too engaged in learning the information until the end when I had to teach my current event.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Blog 2

Immigration Interviews:

Lindsay's Interview
Grant – Tradesman (Carpenter)

Me:  I am exploring the topic of immigration and, more specifically, The Immigration Reform. 
Me:  Do you think the Immigration Reform important?  Why/ Why not?
Grant:  Yes, I think the immigration reform is important.  Right now, people who are trying to become citizens of the U.S. can be wait-listed for a long time.  If it were easier for people to come here legally, and to become citizens, there wouldn’t be so many undocumented immigrants in this country. 
Me:  Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem? Why/ why not?
Grant:  As a carpenter, I can say that the people in my field of work are opposed to undocumented immigrants. Undocumented immigrants work for less pay, which takes away business from legitimate, tax paying workers.
Me:  What policy, if any, does government now have to deal with this problem?
Grant:  I’m not entirely sure, but I do know that the government spends a lot of money protecting the border.
Me:  What are advantages of this policy?
Grant:  The goal is to protect are economy and our society from being abused.  The policies are to prevent people who don’t contribute from reaping the benefits, such as health care and welfare, etc.
Me:  What are disadvantages of this policy?
Grant:  It is an outdated policy, and once people are past the border there is not enough enforcement to find these people, unless they get into trouble.  
Me:  How might the policy be improved?
Grant:  A lot needs to be improved, and Obama’s proposition touches upon most of these things.  However, I think streamlining legal immigration needs the most improvement.  If it were easier for foreigners to obtain visas, and come into the country legally, then there would not be so many illegal immigrants.
Me:  Does the policy need to be replaced?  Why?
Grant:  It definitely needs to be fixed.
Me:  What disagreements, if any, about the policy exist in this community?
Grant:  There are many disagreements, especially when it comes to the topic of illegal immigrants being employed.  Some would say illegal immigrants take away jobs from tax paying U.S citizens, and others say they are the crutch of our economy, especially when it comes to the agricultural industry.  Illegal immigrants often take the low paying, jobs that most U.S citizens don’t want, like working in the fields all day.

Reflection:  After interviewing Grant about the topic of immigration, and the Immigration Reform, my eyes were opened up to a whole new view on immigration.  When Grant began telling me about how the people, whom he works with, feel about immigration, I had to agree with what he was saying.  I don't blame him for being bitter towards undocumented immigrants.  Grant works hard, and pays A LOT of taxes, whereas illegal immigrants work just as hard, and do not have to give any of their money to the government.  I also realize that one of the biggest concerns about immigrants is not that they are coming into this country, but rather that they are not "playing by the same set of rules".  I now feel even more strongly about the need for The Immigration Reform.  

Lisa's Interview:

Jessica (friend and a baker)

Q. Is this a problem you think is important?  Why/ Why not?
A. I feel its important because it will allow more jobs to companies that are in need of it and more importantly it will help immigrants become U.S citizens at a much faster pace and allow everyone the same and equal amount of rights

Q. Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem? why/ why not?
A. Yes, because I know everyone in our community believes in equal rights and laws among everyone

Q. What policy, if any, does government now have to deal with this problem?
A. I don't know. I only know a small bit about the reform

Q. What are advantages of this policy?
A. Everyone will be following the same process of paying taxes, following the law and speaking the same language. No one will be given "special" treatment for coming over as an immigrant and having jobs given to them. They will now have to work and earn them just like everyone else

Q. What are disadvantages of this policy?
A. If some people manage to make it over the border, it may be hard to find them to enforce this policy on them

Q. How might the policy be improved?
A.  Streamlining legal immigrants need the most improvement

Q. Does the policy need to be replaced?  why?
A. Not replaced but fixed

Q. What disagreements, if any, about the policy exist in this community?
A. Illegal immigrants take away jobs from tax paying U.S citizens

I have learned a lot from doing the interview with Jessica.  I have slowly been coming to the realization that many people (along with Jessica) like the Reform Act hat Obama is trying to pass because it does allow equal opportunities for everyone, not just Americans.  One thing that I liked about the interview with Jessica is she seems to focus on equal rights for everyone within the reform, whether they were born in the United States or not (if they are legal).  By doing this interview, I was able to see someone else's views on my topic and I have realized that she has the same views as myself, which makes me think that there are many more people who feel the same way!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Blog 1


Introduction to Immigration

Our names are Lindsay and Lisa.  The topic we chose to explore is immigration.

There are 11 million undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. Out of that 11 million, 4.4 million are adults and 6.6 million are children. The branches of the government that deals with Immigration are the Legislative branch and the Judicial branch. The Department of Homeland Security  with Immigration services, U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Border Patrol.

Many employers in the U.S. higher undocumented immigrants, and these immigrants do not pay their taxes, which hurts our economy. President Barack Obama is working to pass a set of immigration reforms to create an effective, comprehensive immigration system, that is better than the one that is in place now.

For information about Obama's proposal check out this website!

Immigration Policies

Lindsay's Thoughts

The immigration system in this country desperately needs to be fixed.  I believe that everyone deserves good opportunities, however, I also do not believe in taking shortcuts. Everyone should have to play by the same rules, and undocumented immigrants do not.  One of my main concerns is that undocumented immigrants are able to have the same freedoms as I do, but they do not have to pay for it. I think the Immigration Reform is a step in the right direction, and I am interested to learn more about it.  

Lisa's Thought:

My beliefs are not solid on how much I agree with immigration. If we are going to allow immigration it should be watched closely.  The reason I believe this is because there are too many illegal immigrants coming to the United State and taking away opportunities that many Americans are struggling to get.  People should be able to come to this country, but while being here should be on a visa and have documented work.  After getting their visa, they should have to work towards becoming a citizen of this country.