Friday, November 29, 2013

Refelction :)

Lisa's Reflection:

Presentation--> I could have improved on teaching a current event in the future.  When teaching my topic of immigration I did no have the article all printed out and then had printing troubles.  For future teaching I am going to try to have all materials done before the day of the presentation.  I also think that the flow of the teaching could have gone better.  I think we did well modeling what we wanted the students to do.  The next part was giving the students packets of information about a specific issue with immigration.  I think this part went well, most students understood their issue and Lindsay and I were walking around the tables to help with the concept of the groups issue if it was needed.  The students then presented their issue.  One thing I would have done differently with this part is to tell the students before anyone acted out their issue that after they acted it out, we were going to discuss each issue as a class.  I did not make this happen, although there was a discussion when all plays were over, I think it would have been more beneficial to talk about each issues after it was acted out.  I think Lindsay and I engaged the class well, but there is always room for improvement  when doing things for the first time.  I think people learned about the topic of immigration.  I know one of the students referred back to the "Dream Act" when presenting
 their own project.  This shows us that at least one students understood something that was being taught and if one person understood, it is more likely that others did as well.  I also think we did well with passing around a paper with questions for each issue being presented.  This is important because students need to pay attention to the role plays being put on in order to answer the questions.

Current Event-->  Without any doubt, I am more engaged in my topic of immigration than ever before.  I found out so much information about immigration like Obama's Reform Act they are trying to pass for so many reasons that are important to get equality amongst citizens and immigrants.  I do feel more interested in the news and will be looking for the information about the different acts and current events going on in the world about immigration.  I think it is an important issue that needs to be resolved.  I don't know how engaged in the community issues I will be, but I know if there were simple things like signing a petition and I believed in the act or thing they are petitioning for I would do it!  I do feel more like an active citizen in my country, I think knowing about immigration and other topics made me more aware of the many issues going on in the world, but also how much it is effecting our lives.  I think it was useful for everyone to search a specific topic and present it to the class with a teaching strategy.  I think this helped us learn how we can use the different strategies, but also how we can each current events in a fun way.  One thing I did not like too much was the blog.  I think it added more stress on me that I could have done without.  I also think I would have learned more about the topic if I were assigned to I was having more fun with learning about the topic.  Since I felt stressed over having to do the blog I was not too engaged in learning the information until the end when I had to teach my current event.

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